CLinical HELENA RUBINSTEIN Pro-Xylane Importion With Thermo Repair  Stanford AI Lab 临床 HELENA RUBINSTEIN Pro-Xylane 导入 由斯坦福人工智能实验室进行热修复
Both high energy heat and pro-xylane will stimulate the regeneration of collagen protein.高热能和原木聚糖都会刺激胶原蛋白的再生。
  • 引导
    Use heat as a guidance to open pores and lead pro-xylane to deeper layers of skin.使用热量作为引导打开毛孔,并将原木聚糖引导至更深层的皮肤。
  • 刺激
    Heat will stimulate the motion activity of pro-xylane and biological activity of cells, increasing the probability of their combining largely. 热量会刺激原木聚糖的运动活性和细胞的生物活性,大大增加它们结合的可能性。
  • 结合
    The large amount of combination of pro-xylane and cells will fix water and increase the adhesion of cells, making skin moist and elastic.大量的原木聚糖与细胞结合,固定水分,增加细胞的粘附力,使皮肤湿润、富有弹性。

  • AI评估
    Facial data is collected and an AI algorithm is used to conduct a comprehensive facial aging assessment. After the treatment plan is output, the system automatically controls the treatment parameters to achieve the effect of cosmetic importion, increasing the absorption effectiveness of cosmetics.采集面部数据,利用AI算法进行全面的面部老化评估。治疗方案输出后,系统自动控制治疗参数,达到化妆品导入的效果,增加化妆品的吸收效果。
  • 深层导入
    The total treatment power of 100~120W reaches 3.5 millimeters depth below skin, using heat as a guidance to open pores and lead cosmetics to deeper layers of skin to increase the absorption and effect of cosmetics. And the technology could achieve the same level of treatment parameters as the ThermalLift series products.100~120W的总治疗功率达到皮下3.5毫米深度,以热量为导向,打开毛孔,引导化妆品深入肌肤深层,增加化妆品的吸收和效果。该技术可达到与ThermalLift系列产品同等水平的治疗参数。
High Energy AI Based Thermal Importion & Repair Technology of Stanford AI Lab斯坦福AI实验室基于高能AI的热导入与修复技术  
Thermage-Importion Mask热玛吉导入面膜
After AI assessment progress, the mask automatically controls the treatment parameters, liberating the labor of consumers/therapists and increasing the absorption effectiveness of cosmetics.经过AI评估后,面膜自动控制治疗参数,解放消费者/治疗师的劳动力,提高化妆品的吸收效果。
Phased array facial mask design, ~15 radio frequency thermage heads are connected in parallel to form a phased array system, using multi-layer circuit stacking technology, which is “Thermage” mask. 
For Pan-consumption scenarios, like hotel, SPA, salon.针对泛消费场景,如酒店、SPA、沙龙等。
Facial data is collected and an AI algorithm is used to conduct a comprehensive facial aging assessment. After the treatment plan is output, the system automatically controls the treatment parameters to achieve the effect of cosmetic importion, increasing the absorption effectiveness of cosmetics.采集面部数据,利用AI算法进行全面的面部老化评估。治疗方案输出后,系统自动控制治疗参数,达到化妆品导入的效果,增加化妆品的吸收效果。
The total treatment power of 100~120W reaches 3.5 millimeters depth below skin, using heat as a guidance to open pores and lead cosmetics to deeper layers of skin to increase the absorption and effect of cosmetics. And the technology could achieve the same level of treatment parameters as the ThermalLift series products.100~120W的总治疗功率达到皮下3.5毫米深度,以热量为导向,打开毛孔,引导化妆品深入肌肤深层,增加化妆品的吸收和效果。该技术可达到与ThermalLift系列产品同等水平的治疗参数。
Neptune Robotics(Prototype)海神机器人
Eyebrow tattooing with automatic design and navigation自动设计和导航的纹眉
Needle/Needle-free Skin Booster, automatic injection for the whole body, reducing fluid leakage using AI control algorithm.有针/无针水光,全身自动注射,利用AI控制算法减少液体渗漏
Botulinum toxin automatic assessment, plan and navigation肉毒毒素自动评估、计划和导航